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Ruby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei)

Ruby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei)

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Ruby Tetra Care Guide with Aquarium Size Requirement:

1. Species Overview:

  • The Ruby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei) is a vibrant freshwater fish native to South America. It is characterized by its striking red coloration, making it a popular choice for community aquariums.

2. Aquarium Size:

  • Ruby Tetras are small, schooling fish that do well in moderately sized aquariums. A tank size of 10 gallons or more is suitable for a small group of Ruby Tetras.
  • Larger tanks, starting from 20 gallons, are recommended if you plan to keep a larger group or include other fish species in the tank.

3. Water Parameters:

  • Maintain the water temperature between 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C), which is within the preferred range for Ruby Tetras.
  • Keep the pH level slightly acidic to neutral, ideally between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Water hardness should be moderate, with a range of 5 to 15 dH.

4. Aquarium Setup:

  • Create a well-decorated aquarium with plenty of hiding places and vegetation. Ruby Tetras appreciate densely planted areas and subdued lighting.
  • Provide a substrate of fine gravel or sand, along with driftwood and rocks to mimic their natural habitat.

5. Diet:

  • Ruby Tetras are omnivores and will accept a variety of foods. Offer them a balanced diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.
  • Feed them small amounts multiple times a day to ensure they receive enough nutrition.

6. Tankmates:

  • Ruby Tetras are peaceful and can be kept with other small, peaceful fish species such as other tetras, rasboras, and small catfish.
  • Avoid keeping them with larger or more aggressive species that may outcompete or intimidate them.

7. Fish Size:

  • Ruby Tetras typically grow to around 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) in length, making them suitable for smaller aquarium setups.

8. Disease Prevention:

  • Maintain good water quality through regular water changes and filtration to prevent stress-related illnesses and disease outbreaks.
  • Quarantine new fish before introducing them to the main tank to prevent the spread of diseases.

By following these care guidelines, you can provide a suitable and thriving environment for Ruby Tetras in your aquarium.

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