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Ludwigia arcuata

Ludwigia arcuata

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Ludwigia arcuata Care Guide

Common Name: Ludwigia arcuata
Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate
Family: Onagraceae

General Description:

Ludwigia arcuata, also known as the Needle Leaf Ludwigia, is a vibrant and striking aquatic plant appreciated for its slender, needle-like leaves and its ability to add color and depth to aquariums. This plant is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.

Care Requirements:

1. Tank Size:

  • Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons (40 liters)
  • Ludwigia arcuata can thrive in smaller tanks but may require regular maintenance to control its growth.

2. Lighting Requirements:

  • Lighting: Moderate to High
  • This plant prefers moderate to high lighting conditions to maintain its vibrant colors and compact growth. Aim for 2 to 3 watts per gallon or use LED lights with similar intensity.

3. CO2 Requirements:

  • CO2: Not necessary but beneficial
  • While Ludwigia arcuata can grow well without CO2 supplementation, providing CO2 can enhance its growth rate and coloration, especially in high-light setups.

4. Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 68-82°F (20-28°C)
  • pH: 6.0-7.5
  • Hardness: 3-10 dKH

5. Substrate:

  • Substrate Type: Nutrient-rich
  • Ludwigia arcuata benefits from a nutrient-rich substrate. Use an aquarium substrate specifically designed for planted tanks or add root tabs to provide essential nutrients.

6. Fertilization:

  • Nutrients: Moderate to High
  • Regular fertilization is essential for Ludwigia arcuata to thrive. Use a comprehensive liquid fertilizer and consider additional supplementation with root tabs to ensure optimal nutrient levels.

7. Watering and Maintenance:

  • Water Changes: Weekly water changes of 20-30% are recommended to maintain water quality and nutrient balance.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning is necessary to control the growth of Ludwigia arcuata and prevent it from overshadowing other plants. Trim the stems regularly to encourage bushy growth.

8. Propagation:

  • Propagation Method: Stem cuttings
  • Ludwigia arcuata can be easily propagated through stem cuttings. Simply cut a healthy stem and replant it into the substrate, ensuring that at least two nodes are buried to promote new root growth.

9. Placement in Tank:

  • Placement: Midground to Background
  • Ludwigia arcuata is best placed in the midground to background of the aquarium due to its tall growth habit. Plant it in groups for a more visually appealing effect.


Ludwigia arcuata is an easy to moderate aquatic plant that adds vibrant color and texture to aquariums. It thrives in moderate to high lighting conditions and benefits from regular fertilization. With proper care and maintenance, this plant can create stunning underwater landscapes.

By following this care guide, you can enjoy the beauty and vibrancy of Ludwigia arcuata in your aquarium setup.

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