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Kerri Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri)

Kerri Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri)

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Inpaichthys Kerri Care Guide with Aquarium Size Requirement:

1. Species Overview:

  • Inpaichthys Kerri, also known as the Blue Emperor Tetra, is a beautiful and peaceful freshwater fish native to South America. Recognized for its vibrant blue and silver coloration, it adds a splash of color to community aquariums.

2. Aquarium Size:

  • Provide a tank with a minimum size of 20 gallons for a small group of Blue Emperor Tetras. A larger tank, around 30 gallons or more, is recommended for a community setup. These tetras thrive in groups, so maintain a school of at least six individuals.

3. Water Parameters:

  • Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C).
  • Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level, ideally between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Keep the water hardness in the soft to moderate range, around 5 to 15 dGH.

4. Size of the Fish:

  • Blue Emperor Tetras typically grow to a size of about 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 centimeters).

5. Tank Decor:

  • Set up a well-planted aquarium with a substrate of sand or fine gravel. Provide hiding spots with driftwood, rocks, and live plants to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Blue Emperor Tetras appreciate subdued lighting, creating a calm and comfortable environment.

6. Diet:

  • Blue Emperor Tetras are omnivores. Feed them a varied diet including high-quality flakes, micro pellets, and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia.
  • Supplement their diet with vegetable-based foods to ensure a balanced nutrition.

7. Behavior:

  • Blue Emperor Tetras are peaceful schooling fish. Keep them in groups to promote natural behaviors and reduce stress. They occupy the middle and upper levels of the aquarium.
  • They are compatible with other peaceful community fish of similar size.

8. Tank Mates:

  • Choose tank mates that are peaceful and won't nip at the fins of the Blue Emperor Tetras. Suitable companions include other small tetras, rasboras, and peaceful community fish.
  • Avoid aggressive or larger species that may intimidate them.

9. Tank Maintenance:

  • Perform regular water changes of 20-30% every week to maintain water quality.
  • Utilize a suitable filtration system for the size of the aquarium.

10. Breeding:

  • Blue Emperor Tetras may exhibit breeding behavior in a well-maintained aquarium. Provide fine-leaved plants or spawning mops for egg deposition.
  • Consider a separate breeding tank to increase fry survival rates.

By following these care guidelines and providing an appropriately sized and well-maintained aquarium, Blue Emperor Tetras can thrive, showcasing their vibrant colors and contributing to the beauty of a community tank.

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