Cryptocoryne wendtii Flamingo
Cryptocoryne wendtii Flamingo
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Flamingo' Maintenance Guide and Description
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Flamingo' is a rare and highly decorative aquatic plant known for its striking pink to light red foliage. Its unique coloration makes it a centerpiece in aquascapes, adding a splash of vibrant contrast. Originating from the Cryptocoryne family, it shares the characteristic of adaptability and resilience, thriving in a variety of aquarium conditions. The plant grows in a rosette shape, with its delicate leaves adding depth and texture to the layout.
Maintenance Guide:
- Best suited for the foreground or midground in aquascapes.
- Plant it directly into the substrate.
- Requires moderate to high lighting to maintain its vibrant pink coloration.
- In low light, the color may fade, and growth may slow.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F).
- pH: 6.0–7.5.
- Water hardness: Soft to moderately hard (3–10 dGH).
Substrate and Nutrients:
- Thrives in nutrient-rich substrate.
- Regular supplementation with root tabs or liquid fertilizers is recommended.
CO2 Requirements:
- CO2 injection enhances growth and coloration but is not strictly necessary.
Growth and Trimming:
- Slow to moderate growth rate.
- Trim older or damaged leaves to encourage healthy new growth.
- Propagates through runners.
- New plants will sprout close to the mother plant and can be separated once mature.
Tank Conditions:
- Suitable for both low-tech and high-tech aquariums.
- Avoid sudden changes in water parameters to prevent "crypt melt," where leaves deteriorate but recover over time.
Algae Control:
- Monitor for algae on its leaves, especially in high-light conditions.
- Maintain a balanced nutrient-to-light ratio and include algae-eating species if needed.
General Tips:
- Patience is key, as this plant may take time to adapt to new tank conditions.
- Its unique color is best displayed against a dark substrate or background.