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Fauna Marin

Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Blend

Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Blend

Regular price $55.99 CAD
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The Fauna Marin Bacto Blend bacteria system for the marine aquarium is a special composition of halophilic and phototrophic bacteria cultures that rapidly activates and stabilizes all relevant biological nutrient cycles in your reef aquarium.

- Super concentrated blend of halophilic and phototrophic bacteria
- Perfect bacterial mix to start a saltwater aquarium
- Contains hydrolytic enzymes and special nitrogenous bacteria for the reduction of unwanted nutrients
- Reduces the accumulation of sludge and detritus, very effective against unwanted bacterial deposits
- Improves the growth and coloration of fish and corals
- Fresh ocean smell / improves skimmer performance
- Does NOT contain sulfide or other toxic preservatives
- No foul smell or rotten egg smell
- Live bacteria / effect immediately after administration
- Highly concentrated for economical dosing

Developed and produced in Germany

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